Architecture Portfolio
About Me
Ethos and Visions
I have been very interested and concerned for the social justice and wellbeing of vulnerable communities. I feel it is very important to help people through design to give them the chance to reduce injustice and promote equality. I believe that everyone deserves equal opportunities despite race, gender, disabilities, and other factors. I want my designs to really be able to transform someone’s life for the better, to provide opportunities, overcome discrimination and other difficulties and help people to achieve their dreams.
Future Prospects
One thing that really excites me about my future is the potential career path that I can follow in architecture. Social issues are given more attention than ever before and there is a wide spectrum of people who have a similar ethos as me. In the future, I hope to have the opportunity to collaborate with architects who are already socially motivated to contribute to the cause. Having been lucky enough with the opportunities that I’ve, so gratefully, had so far, my motivation to contribute to the betterment of society through design grows stronger by the day.
As global warming worsens, it is concerning to see that the world’s encounter of disaster is on the rise. From wildfires to floods to earthquakes to tsunamis, I believe that climate change is the main contributor to these extreme climatic disasters that are responsible for the damages that are unimaginable and destructive to many lives. The increased occurrence of these disasters suggests that there is an increased demand for architects who design for disaster prevention or relief. As a student now, to reduce my personal effects on the climate crisis, I’m get more into the habit of designing with sustainability in mind. By doing so, when I work in a practice, it will become more effortless to consider these aspects. When I become an architect, I hope that one day I can use my design to mitigate the effects of these disasters by getting involved in humanitarian disaster relief or prevention projects.
In the future, at the beginning of my architectural career, I would like to be an architect working in a socially motivated practice. I would really enjoy working towards a common goal with people who share the same ethos as me. In order to test whether this really is what I’d enjoy doing, I aim to do more work experiences in socially motivated architectural practices so that I can experience a variety of different practices and their mode of work. During these starting years of my career, I would like to travel around during holidays in hopes of learning about different architectures from different countries. I’m also considering the option of working in different architectural practices in different countries so that my desire to travel and learn from different country’s architectural practices is incorporated into my professional life.
A few years down the line or once I’m more financially stable and have a few more years of experiencing working in a socially motivated practice. I would like to be more involved with disaster prevention or relief architecture. In the summer of 2022, I’m hoping to travel to Urata, Fiji with the CAUKIN Studio team to experience a humanitarian disaster relief project, rebuilding the Women’s community hall, first-hand. This experience will most definitely be rewarding in terms of gaining experience and learning new architectural and cultural knowledge but most importantly this will provide me with the opportunity to assess whether this is what I should work towards doing at a later stage of my career.